HotMovies profile | Penelope Jolie |
亦即 Penelope Ecletica, Penelope Matahari, Penelope Matahary, Penelope Matarazi, Penelope Matehary, Penelope Mathany, Sylvia Jolie.
性别: Tranny
定向: Tranny
生日: June 24
国家: Brazil
出生地: Sao Paulo
民族: Latin
头发: Auburn
眼睛: Brown
罩杯: C
阴茎: Medium
身高: 5′5″ (165 cm)
体重: 154 (70 kg)
纹身: Large Floral Design And Arab Character Covering Almost Entire Right Buttock, Betty Boop And Little Stars Outside Right Lower Leg, Rose With Leaves On Left Breast
职业起始: 2003
职业状况: Retired